DHC Celestial Eyeshadows

I just happened upon this seller (DHC) looking online for a new mascara (which I also have a blog about) and found that their products contained skin loving and natural ingredients. And, as usual, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to try some new eyeshadows – especially at these great prices. This Eye Shadow Moon Compact and separately selected Eyeshadow Moon colors are a very nice addition to my collection. The eyeshadows come in nine shades to choose from, three highlight shades and six shimmer shades, and contain conditioning vitamin E. The plastic compact is fairly small, but a nice weight and the cover is a pretty iridescent silver – it snaps shut securely and comes with an applicator.

I chose the eyeshadow colors #615 Misty Bordeaux, #567 White Veil and #614 Misty Brown, so that I would have a outer corner of the upper eyelid color, a highlighter for the inner corner of the lid and under the eye brows, and a crease color. These shades are lovely on and can be worn sheer or built up. To my surprise, I found that the grey/brown color has the most potential to be built up darkest. The bordeaux blends really easily and turns into a lovely purpleish color.

  • DHCcare.com, eyeshadows $7.00 each and palette $10.00 – 2013
  • colors: Misty Brown, White Veil and Misty Bordeaux
  • weight: eyeshadows each 0.07 oz

For the swatch color pictures, one is taken in indoor light and the other in sunlight so that you can see the different tones.




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